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Eretmocerus eremicus – Whitefly Control For Cheap


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This product contains 5,000 Eretmocerus eremicus parasitic wasps.

Most species of Whitefly pests. Greenhouse Whitefly, Sweet Potato Whitefly, Silverleaf Whitefly, Poinsettia Whitefly, Woolly Whitefly, Citrus Whitefly, and more.


Eretmocerus eremicus is a small parasitic wasp with a slender body, measuring around 1 millimeter in length as an adult. They feature a gold-colored exoskeleton and have transparent wings. They are indigenous to the southern desert areas of California and Arizona.

Eretmocerus eremicus are commonly used in both indoor and outdoor agricultural settings. However, they thrive particularly well in hot, dry climates. These beneficial wasps can be employed in greenhouses, gardens, and fields. Focuses on Whitefly pupae.



5,000 wasps treat up to 1,500 sq. ft.

It s important to note that these release rates serve as general guidelines and may vary based on the specific pest species, the crop or plant being treated, and level of infestation. Proper monitoring of the infestation and the subsequent effectiveness of the released beneficial insect population is crucial for determining the success of the biological control strategy.


For best results, release immediately. If storage is necessary, store at 50°F for no longer than 14 days.


To achieve a comprehensive approach in controlling Whiteflies, it is recommended to combine the use of Eretmocerus eremicus with other beneficial predators such as Delphastus catalinae and Encarsia formosa.


The adult lifespan of Eretmocerus eremicus can vary depending on various conditions, but it generally lasts for about 2 weeks. During this phase, the female wasps actively seek suitable hosts, lay their eggs, and feed on whitefly larvae. The eggs hatch in 5-10 days, and the Eretmocerus larvae begin feeding on the whitefly pupae. The larvae go through several instar stages during this period. After completing their larval development, the Eretmocerus larvae pupate near or within the whitefly pupae. The pupal stage typically lasts 7-14 days before the adult wasps emerge. Each female can lay 50-150 eggs in a lifespan.

It s important to note that these time-frames are approximate and can be influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and the availability of prey. Monitoring the development and activity of beneficial insect populations, along with environmental conditions, can help determine the progress and effectiveness of their role in pest control efforts.


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